4 Tips to Shop Safely

Shopping safely. It is something to look, for now, both online and in-person, as just about every encounter where consumers and their finances meet the real world these days carries a risk. Considering this, more than a few retailers have begun encouraging self-checkout and minimizing cash payments. There is no known risk of COVID-19 transmission […]

Financial Best Practices – Back to Basics

Since 1935 Empeople has been serving John Empeople employees and their families, and in that time we’ve built up quite a set of tools to help reach our 42,000 members in 50 states and 56 countries. Offering everything from savings accounts to mortgage loans to retirement & investment planning, Empeople has Best-In-Market rates and a […]

The Potential and Pitfalls of Compound Interest

Did you recently choose the best savings account for a large lump sum? A quarter percent difference in interest is 25 points, but if you compound that interest frequently enough then those 25 points can make a pretty big difference on your Effective Annual Rate down the road. For instance: $10K for 1 year @ […]

When is Credit Card Consolidation Best for You?

Consolidation is a word you have probably heard before, but what does it mean and how can it help you? There are a few basic ways that consolidation works. Each case is different and finding an individual solution for our Empeople members can depend on the member, their income, credit score, and their available equity. [...]

7 Things to Consider When Buying a Boat

For those lucky enough to live by a body of water – or be willing to travel to one – owning a boat is the ticket to a dreamy summer of sun, swimming, and thrills. Whether you’re a seasonal boater or you want to make boating a year-round lifestyle, there are a number of factors […]

7 Finance-Based Gifts Mom Will Love

Mom deserves all of the praise, recognition, and the love she can get—daily! Yet it is Mother’s Day that we “officially” thank them, once again, for all of their love and care. Rather than go the traditional route of buying flowers and candy for mom, why not make it more creative, thoughtful, and financially generous? […]

Must-know Car Buying Tips From Experts

If you’re planning, or looking, to buy a new car in the near future then consider these expert tips before heading out to dealerships or browsing the classified section. Between social media marketplaces and online car dealerships, shopping for a car has never been easier. You can explore and compare car dealers and find different […]

Ask Yourself This Before You Open A Store Credit Card

Opening a store credit card can provide many perks and discounts that could save you money immediately. However, in the long run, it can also be a source of stress and a damper on your credit scores. Whenever you find yourself asking, “Should I open a store credit card?”, remember to also ask yourself these […]

One Fool-proof Savings Trick That Is Guaranteed To Grow Your Funds Faster

Savings is a part of life. Whether you’re saving for a vacation, a house or a college fund for your kids, it is important to know the best way to put your money to work and make it grow faster. Today, we want to share a savings trick (that not many people utilize, unfortunately) that […]